Aug 07|
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Events, deaths, births, of AUG 08 [For Aug 08 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Aug 18 1700s: Aug 19 1800s: Aug 20 1900~2099: Aug 21] |
![]() 2002 After the close of regular trading the previous day, McDermott International, Inc. (MDR) reported a net loss of $234.2 million, or $3.80 loss per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2002, compared to net income of $8.0 million, or $0.13 income per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2001. $3.58 of the per share loss is due to the write-off of the Company's investment in The Babcock & Wilcox Company, and $0.05 to a charge in the Power Generation Systems segment relating to the impairment of a joint venture located in India. Without these, there would have been a $0.17 loss per diluted share. So what is the reaction on the New York Stock Exchange? MDR stock surges from its 07 August close of $3.00 to an intraday high of $5.75 and closes at $5.35. The stock had started trading on 29 September 1997 at $36.00, went as high as $43.50 on 11 May 1998, and, as recently as 23 April 2002 traded at $16.84. [5~year price chart >] 2002 WorldCom Inc., the telecommunications company which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on 21 July 2002, announces that it has uncovered an additional $3.3 billion in improperly accounted earnings, on top of the $3.85 billion fraud it revealed on 25 June. The company said that it would have to restate its accounts for 2000, adding to the previously announced restatement for figures for 2001 and the first quarter of 2002. WorldCom Chief Executive Officer John Sidgmore, who took control in May after the ouster of founder Bernie Ebbers, has repeatedly warned that the company might find more problems on its financial books. The Clinton, Mississipi,-based company WorldCom, No. 2 US long-distance telephone carrier, also says that it may write off $50.6 billion of goodwill and other intangible assets and it would reevaluate the value of its property, plant and equipment. Such a charge would be rivaled only by the $54 billion charge taken by media conglomerate AOL Time Warner Inc. in the first quarter of 2002. The previous week, former Chief Financial Officer Scott Sullivan and former Controller David Myers were arrested and charged with hiding $3.85 billion in expenses and lying to investors and regulators in a desperate effort to keep the telecommunications company afloat. 1996 Chile's Supreme Court stripped Gen. Augusto Pinochet's immunity, clearing the way for the former dictator to be tried on human rights charges. (However, an appeals court later ruled Pinochet unfit to stand trial because of his deteriorating health and mental condition.) 1991 Firebombing of the US Consulate in Kingston, Jamaica. 1990 Iraq annexes Kuwait. 1989 La OLP crea su moneda nacional, la libra palestina. 1988 Bombing attack on the US Embassy Commissary in La Paz, Bolivia. 1988 Discovery of most distant galaxy (15 * 10 ^ 12 light yrs) announced. 1988 Russian troops begin pull out of Afghanistan after 9 year war 1988 US Secretary of State Shultz narrowly escapes an assassination attempt in Bolivia. 1988 South Africa declares cease-fire in Angola 1988 Temperature hits high of 88ºF on 8/8/88 in NYC [but not at 08:08] 1987 Lynne Cox became first to swim from US to Russia across Bering Strait 1983 Brig Gen Efrain Rios Montt deposed as president of Guatemala. El general Óscar Humberto Mejía Victores, al frente del ejército, da un golpe de Estado en Guatemala, por el que derroca al presidente Ríos Montt, asume la jefatura del Estado, restaura las libertades y pone fin a los tribunales especiales. 1978 The United States launched Pioneer Venus 2, which carried scientific probes to study the atmosphere of Venus. |
1968 The news that US President Lyndon Johnson has contracted a minor colon ailment affects Wall Street, despite the doctors’ assurances that the condition diverticulosis is not serious. LBJ apparently felt no discomfort and had in fact developed the minor illness in 1960. Still, investors engaged in "precautionary selling" and the Dow Jones Industrial Average went down 6.55 points to close the day at 870.37. |
1960 Ivory Coast declares independence 1960 La empresa farmacéutica estadounidense G.D. Searle Drug lanza al mercado el producto Enovoid, la píldora anticonceptiva. 1955 Geneva conference held to discuss peaceful uses of atomic energy 1953 US and South Korea initial a mutual security pact 1953 Prime Minister Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov, 51, boasts that the USSR now has the hydrogen bomb. They would test it on 12 August 1953. 1951 The United States Customs Agency is empowered to protect consumers from fraud by the Fur Labeling Act, which requires manufacturers to include labels that identify the species of animal and whether paws or tails were used. 1950 US troops repel the first North Korean attempt to overrun them at the battle of Naktong Bulge, which would continue for 10 days. 1949 Bhutan, land of the Dragon, became an independent monarchy 1949 El Consejo de Europa admite como nuevos miembros a Turquía, Grecia e Islandia. 1946 India agrees to give Bhutan 32 miles
1945 USSR establishes a communist government in North Korea 1944 US forces complete the capture of the Marianas Islands. 1942 US Marines capture the Japanese airstrip on Guadalcanal. 1941 A memorandum of the Serbian Orthodox Church is presented to General Dankelman, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Serbia, protesting atrocities committed on Serbs. 1940 The German Luftwaffe attacks Great Britain for the first time, begining the Battle of Britain. 1940 El Gobierno británico firma un tratado de cooperación con el movimiento de la Francia Libre del general De Gaulle. |
1939 Francisco Franco Bahamonde, con la Jefatura del Estado
y del Gobierno en su poder, nombra a los ministros del primer gobierno
español de la posguerra.
1929 German airship Graf Zeppelin begins first eastward round-the-world flight by an airship. 1929 Estalla en Colombia un movimiento revolucionario. En Cartagena y Tolima se producen grandes desórdenes. 1925 The first national congress of the (second) Ku Klux Klan opens. 1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi, British recognize Afghanistan's independence Tratado de Rawalpindi, que pone fin a la tercera guerra de Afganistán. 1910 The Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments in the Vatican issues the decree Quam singulari, which recommends that children be permitted to receive Holy Communion as soon as they reached the "age of discretion" (i.e., about age 7).
1899 The first household refrigerating machine is patented.
1882 Snow falls on Lake Michigan 1876 Dan O'Leacy completes 500-mile walk in 139h32m 1876 Thomas Edison patents mimeograph
1860 Queen of Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) arrives in NYC. 1844 Brigham Young chosen Mormon Church head following Joseph Smith death 1843 Natal (in South Africa) is made a British colony
1814 Peace negotiations begin in Ghent, Belgium 1788 Capitulación de Luis XVI de Francia y convocatoria de los Estados Generales para el 1 de mayo de 1789. 1786 Mont Blanc conquered. Jacques Balmat and Dr. Michael-Gabriel Paccard become the first men to climb Mont Blanc in France. La première ascension du Mont Blanc, par le docteur Michel-Gabriel Paccard et le guide savoyard Jacques Balmat. La plus haute montagne d'Europe (4807 m) est vaincue. Saussure renouvelle cet exploit en 1787. De nos jours le Mont Blanc est gravi chaque été par des centaines de touristes empruntant le versant nord, les autres versants forts escarpés exigeant de solides qualités d'alpiniste. Gabriel Paccard y el guía Jacques Balmat, financiados por el filósofo-geólogo Horace-Bénédict de Saussure, logran coronar el Mont Blanc. 1709 first known ascent in hot-air balloon, Bartolomeu de Gusmao (indoors) 1700 Durante la Segunda o Gran Guerra del Norte, Carlos XII de Suecia, tras poner sitio a Copenhague, fuerza a Dinamarca a firmar la paz de Traventhal. 1636 The invading armies of Spain, Austria and Bavaria are stopped at the village of St.-Jean-de-Losne, only 80 km from France. 1635 Roger Williams is sentenced to banishment by Massachussets for his differing religious views. In exile, he will found Rhode Island on principles of freedom of conscience. 1609 Venetian senate examines Galileo Galilei's telescope. 1588 Culmina el desastre de la "Armada Invencible", enviada por Felipe II de España contra Inglaterra y derrotada por el enemigo y el huracán. 1579 Cornerstone is laid for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg observatory. 1567 The Spanish Duke of Alva after a heroic four month march over the alps, arrives in the Netherlands to put down Protestant revolt. 1570 Charles IX of France signs the Treaty of St. Germain, ending the third war of religion and giving religious freedom to the Huguenots. Se firma el Edicto de pacificación en St. Germain, por el que se pone fin a la Tercera Guerra de Religión en Francia. 1002 Batalla de Calatañazor (Soria), en la que los cristianos acaudillados por Bermudo II, rey de Asturias y León, y el conde de Castilla, García Sánchez, vencieron a los moros de Almanzor. 0449 The “Robber” Council of Ephesus meets. This is presided over by Dioscoros who allows only documents favorable to his positions to be admitted. |
Deaths which
occurred on an August 08: ^top^ 2002:: 32 persons by landslides in five villages in mountainous Taplejyug district in eastern Nepal. Two months of incessant rains have caused severe floods in Nepal, Bangladesh and eastern India, causing more than 700 deaths and damaging millions of dollars worth of crops and property. The dead so far nomber 332 in Nepal, at least 250 in India and 157 in Bangladesh. Nearly half of Bangladesh has suffered flooding. More than 6 million of its 130 million have been displaced or stranded. 2002 More than 55'000 34-day-old chickens, found suffocated in the morning, after some vandal(s), during the night, switched off the ventilation in three Tyson Foods chicken houses in Marion, Kentucky. At this stage the chickens are worth about $1 each. The chickens would have been killed about 50 days later. Neighbors have complained about the smell of the chicken houses. 2000 Seven people as a bomb explodes in a Moscow pedestrian underpass. 90 are injured, of which 4 would later die from their injuries. Chechens deny involvement. 1996 Nevill Francis Mott, Premio Nobel de física británico. 1996 At least 13 persons, by a bomb in an underground walkway in central Moscow. 1991 The slain bodies of former Iranian Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar and his chief of staff are found in Bakhtiar's residence outside Paris.
1949 Joaquín Torres-García, Uruguayan painter and sculptor born on 25 July 1874. LINKS 1976 John Roselli hired by CIA to kill Castro, found murdered
1933 Unos 30 cuando, en La Habana, la multitud que pretendía manifestarse contra la dictadura del general Gerardo Machado Morales es disuelta a tiros por la policía y el ejército. Hay más de 200 heridos. 1926 Frank Myers Boggs (Frank-Boggs), US French painter born on 06 December 1855. The Seine, Outside Paris (1885, 38x56cm). 1918 20 German soldiers, shot in combat by US sergeant Alvin York, who, surrounded together with 5 other US soldiers by Germans in France, is given command .He also takes 132 Germans prisoner. 1915 Miguel Ramos Carrión, escritor cómico español. 1912 Unas 320 personas por una explosión de grisú en una mina de carbón de Bochum (Alemania). Hay numerosos heridos. 1910 Rudolf Epp, German artist born in June 1834. 1902 James Jacques Joseph Tissot, French artist born on 15 October 1836. 1898 Eugène Louis Boudin, French Impressionist painter born on 12 July 1824, specialized in Maritime Scenes. MORE ON BOUDIN AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS Harbor at Bordeaux The Beach at Trouville Figures on the Beach Dunkirk (1889, 46x66cm) Storm over Antwerp Rivage de Portrieux, Côtes-du-Nord The Harvest Near Trouvelle 467 images at Webshots 1897 Antonio Canovas del Castillo, político e historiador, primer ministro español, asesinado por un anarquista, en el balneario de Santa Agueda (Guipúzcoa). 1853 Hoëné Wronski, mathematician 1779 Ottajano, Italia, ciudad destruida por una erupción del Vesubio. 1695 Karel van Vogelaer Distelploom, Dutch artist born in 1653 1694 Antoine Arnauld, the Jansenist leader who fought to keep Jansen's ideas from condemnation by the Catholic church after Jansen's death. 1685 Giovanni-Battista Salvi il Sassoferrato, Italian artist born on 29 August 1609. MORE ON SALVI AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine The Virgin in Prayer 1659 Francisco de Rioja, poeta español. 1648 Ibrahim, the sultan of Istanbul, is thrown into prison, then assassinated. 1616 Cornelis Ketel, Flemish painter born on 18 March 1548. LINKS Company of Captain Dirck Jacobsz. Rosecrans and Lieutenant Pauw Adam Wachendorff 1588 Alonso Sánchez Cuello, 57, one of the pioneers of the great tradition of Spanish portrait painting. MORE ON SANCHEZ AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS Las Infantas Isabel Clara Eugenia y Catalina Micaela Prince Don Carlos of Austria Philip II Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia 1555 Fine, mathematician 1471 Thomas A Kempis, 91, Dutch mystic and devotional author. Though most of his years were outwardly uneventful, his book The Imitation of Christ remains in print today, a guide to cultivating the inner human spirit. KEMPIS ONLINE: (English translations): The Imitation of Christ The Imitation of Christ) 1306 King Wenceslas of Poland, murdered. 0701 Pope Saint Sergius. When he opposed some rulings of the eastern church, Emperor Justinian II sent to arrest him, but the Exarch of Ravenna protected Sergius. |
Births which occurred on
an August 08: ^top^
1921 Spanier, mathematician 1908 Arthur J. Goldburg, labor lawyer instrumental in the merger of the Amercian Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. 1902 Paul A. M. Dirac, mathematician who once said: "This result is too beautiful to be false; it is more important to have beauty in one's equations than to have them fit the experiment." 1910 Francisco Brochado Da Rocha PM of Brazil (1962) 1908 Arthur J. Goldberg Illinois, UN ambassador / Supreme Court justice (1962-65) 1902 Paul A.M. Dirac England, theoretical physicist (Nobel 1933) 1901 Dr Ernest Orlando Lawrence Canton SC, , inventor of the cyclotron and winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize for physics.
1869 Louis Valtat, French Fauvist painter who died on 02 January 1952. LINKS 1865 Matthew A. Henson, explorer with Robert Peary who first reached the North Pole (Though some recent scholarship disputes this claim). 1863 Jules Charles Clément Taupin, French artist who died on 02 September 1932. 1863 Jean Léon Jérome Ferris, US artist who died in 1930. 1861 William Bateson, author. BATESON ONLINE: Mendel's Principles of Heredity: A Defence (1902)(PDF) 1857 Henry Osborn Conn, paleontologist/author (52 Years of Research) 1843 Laurence Hutton. HUTTON ONLINE: editor of : Letters of Charles Dickens to Wilkie Collins
1795 José María Obando del Campo, militar y político colombiano. 1736 Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo, Venitian artist specialized in genre scenes in pastel, who died in 1776 before 08 August. 1646 Gottfried Kniller, who would become Sir Godfrey Kneller, German English Baroque era painter, specialized in Portraits, who died in 1723 some time between 19 October and 27 October. Portrait of Godfrey Kneller by John Faber the Younger MORE ON KNELLER AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS The Chinese Convert Edward and Lady Mary Howard Grinling Gibbons John Locke Isaac Newton Dorothy Mason, Lady Brownlowe 1492 Saint Jerome's Letters is published. Its title page is a woodcut by a rising artist, Albrecht Dürer, born on 21 May 1471, whom few artists would equal as an engraver. Dürer is akin to Leonardo in his restless intellectual curiosity. He wrote and published theoretical works: Manual of Measurement (1525); Various Instructions for the Fortification of Towns, Castles and other Localities (1527). His Four Books on Human Proportion were published in October 1528, after his 06 April 1528 death. MORE ON DÜRER AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS Self-Portrait at 13 Self-Portrait at 22 Self-Portrait at 26 Self-Portrait at 28 Saint Jerome in His Study Saint Jerome in the Wilderness Saint Jerome Penitent in the Landscape Saint Jerome Seated Near a Pollard Willow Saint Jerome [with a headache?] Saint John's Church House by a Pond The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand The Adoration by the Magi Lamentation for Christ The Adoration of the Holy Trinity The Virgin and Child Before an Archway Knight, Death and the Devil Portrait of Dürer's Father at 70 Portrait of Oswolt Krel Portrait of Bernard von Reesen Portrait of Hieronymus Holzschuher Frederick the Wise The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin The Jabach Altarpiece Lot Fleeing with His Daughters from Sodom The Paumgartner Altarpiece Willow Mill A Young Hare The Large Turf Melencolia I Emperor Maximilian The Four Holy Men |