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Events, deaths, births, of AUG 11 [For Aug 11 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Aug 21 1700s: Aug 22 1800s: Aug 23 1900~2099: Aug 24] |
![]() 2002 US Airways Group Inc. files for Chapter 11 protection in US Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia in Alexandria, listing assets of $7.81 billion and liabilities of $7.83 billion. It is the sixth largest US airline, with 35'000 employees and plans to continue service to the more than 200 communities in its network, while it restructures. 2002 Jessica Cortez, 4 [photo >], is abducted from Echo Park in Los Angeles before 19:30, when her parents, Rafael Cortez and María Hernández, selling tacos from a stand across the street, notice that she is missing. An intensive search for her has no success. But on 13 August 2002, she is recognized (from the photos shown on TV) by the staff of the free clinic St. John Well Child Center, when well dressed Patricia Cornejo, 34, shortly after 17:00, brings Jessica, who had complained of a sore throat, for a check-up, giving the name María Ortiz for the child, who is dirty, barefoot, wearing different clothes than those she had when abducted, and has her hair jaggedly cut short. While the woman goes to the bathroom, the staff question the child, who tells them that her name is Jessica and that the woman is not her mom. Cornejo is arrested. Her motives are not clear. She has four children. Two of them, age 4 and 10, are placed in protective custody and two older children are with Cornejo’s mother. 2000 Lech Walesa, 56, who led the Solidarnosc union toppling Communism in Poland, was not "agent Bolek" of the Kremlin-puppet Communist Polish secret police, a Polish court rules, after even the prosecutor agrees that the allegations were based on documents forged by that same former secret police. The Polish law provides no penalty for telling the truth about one's Communist past, but liars are barred from public office for 10 years. 2000 Coco the parrot gets a ticket from a traffic cop in Patras, Greece, for obstructing the pavement with his stand outside a pet shop. The shopkeeper complained that the policeman had not ticketed nearby illegally parked cars, but was told that he had only been assigned to get the bird. The owner was shown on TV handing the ticket to the parrot, who tore it up. 2000 Pat Buchanan won the Reform Party presidential nomination in a victory bitterly disputed by party founder Ross Perot's supporters, who chose their own nominee, John Hagelin, in a rival convention. This is the last news of any significance about the Reform Party, now irrelevant, in the 2000 election or later. 1999 Chechnya war: Shamil Basayev claims leadership of the troops in Dagestan, ends uncertainty over who commands the rebel units. Basayev vows to expel "infidels" from north Caucasus. Islamic insurgents claim to have captured several Dagestani villages. Russian forces use helicopter gunships to counter the latest offensive, suffering ten casualties. |
1997 US President Clinton made the first use of the historic line-item veto approved by Congress, rejecting three items in spending and tax bills. 1996: The Reform Party opened the first part of its two-stage convention in Long Beach, Calif., with Ross Perot and Richard Lamm battling for the presidential nomination. 1994 The Russian Supreme Court acquits General Valentin Varennikov of high treason for his participation in the failed August 1991 coup against Mikhail Gorbachev. 1993 President Clinton named Army Gen. John Shalikashvili to be the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, succeeding General Colin Powell. 1990 Egypt and Morocco troops land in Saudi Arabia to prevent Iraqi invasion |
1989 Voyager 2 discovers 2 partial rings of Neptune 1988 Meir Kahane renounced US citizenship to stay in Israeli Parliament
1975 US vetoes proposed admission of North and South Vietnam to UN
1960 Chad declares independence |
1954 Peace takes place, ending 7+ yrs of fighting in Indochina
between French and Communist Vietminh
1945 Allies refuse Japan's surrender offer conditioned on retaining Emperor Hirohito 1944 German troops abandon Florence, Italy, as Allied troops close in on the historic city.
1942 During World War II, Vichy government official Pierre Laval publicly declared that "the hour of liberation for France is the hour when Germany wins the war." 1941 Soviet bombers raid Berlin but cause little damage.
1933 Temperature reaches 58ºC at San Luis Potosí,
Mexico (world record) 1918 Battle of Amiens ends in WW I, Allieds beat Germans 1916 The Russia army takes Stanislau, Poland, from the Germans. 1915 German WWI air ace Immelmann, at the front, writes in a letter to his family: "There is not much doing here. Ten minutes after Bolcke and I go up, there is not an enemy airman to be seen. The English seem to have lost all pleasure in flying. They come over very, very seldom." He would have shot dows close to 100 Allied planes before he was killed in action in June 1916. 1914 Jews are expelled from Mitchenick Poland 1912 Moroccan Sultan Mulai Hafid abdicates his thrown in the face of internal dissent. 1909 The S.O.S distress signal is first used by a US ship, the Arapahoe, off Cape Hatteras, N.C. 1908 Britain's King Edward VII meets with Kaiser Wilhelm II to protest the growth of the German navy. 1906 In France, Eugene Lauste receives the first patent for a talking film. 1904 German General Lothar von Trotha defeats the Hereros tribe near Waterberg, South Africa. 1884 The government of Japan disestablishes national religion with promises of toleration. 1877 Asaph Hall discovers Mars's outer satellite Deimos 1866 World's first roller rink opens (Newport, RI)
1862 President Abraham Lincoln appoints Union General Henry Halleck as general in chief of the Union Army. 1862 Confederate partisans capture Independence, Missouri 1860 The US's first successful silver mill began operation near Virginia City, Nevada.
1576 Sir Martin Frobischer jette l'ancre dans la baie qui porte son nom, à l'extrémité est de la terre de Baffin située entre le Labrador et le Groëland. Frobischer cherchait " le passage du Nord-Ouest " vers les Indes. Grand capitaine, il fut armé chevalier après la défaite de l'Invincible Armada à laquelle il avait contribué. 1527 The Zurich town council agrees to suppress the Anabaptists. 1492 Rodrigo Borgia is elected Pope Alexander VI. 1264 Urban IV , by the Bull Transiturus, extend the feast of Corpus Christi to the whole Church, on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday. The feast was already celebrated in the diocèse of Liège (of which the future Urban, then known as Jacques Pantaléon, was archdeacon) since 1247. |
Deaths which
occurred on a 11 August: ^top^ 2001 At least 91 refugees on a train in Angola which hits a mine, derails, bursting into flames, and is sprayed by gunfire.The train was carrying more than 500 refugees who were fleeing fighting that has been going on between the government and UNITA rebel forces almost continuously since Angola's 1975 independence from Portugal. It was headed from Luanda to Dondo, about 150 km southeast. 146 are wounded. More than three million people about a quarter of Angola's population have been driven from their homes by the civil war. 2001 At least 7 persons as school van explodes outside private school in Gujrat, Punjab, India, minutes after school let out. Three of the dead are 8 to 12 years old. Others are injured. 2000 Jonathan Burton, 19, suffocated as at least six fellow passengers on Southwest Airlines Flight 1763 were subduing him at request of the two air hostesses. About 20 minutes before the scheduled landing in Salt Lake City, Burton had started acting wildly and had already kicked partially through the cockpit door, it is not clear whether to hijack the plane or just in a rage. 2001 Carlos Hank Gonzalez. 73, of prostate cancer in Mexico, he had made himself filthy rich and influential as a corrupt PRI politico. 1995 Church, mathematician
1965 Carl Mense, German artist born on 13 May 1886. [There was a German artist named Mense, / and he was just a little bit dense: / His paints were few but his canvas immense, / and of no use except as a fence.] 1956 Jackson Pollock, in an auto accident in East Hampton. Born on 28 January 1912, Abstract Expressionist painter, proponent of Action Painting (in French tachisme), who in 1947 developed his trademark technique of drip painting. MORE ON POLLOCK AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS Number 1a Black Yellow Cathedral Flame Male Female Moon Woman Night Mist Pasiphae Sleeping 3 War 2 Untitled (screenprint based on painting number 7, 1951) Untitled (1944) Stenographic Figure New York Blue (Moby Dick) The She~Wolf Eyes in the Heat The Key The Tea Cup Shimmering Substance Full Fathom Five Number 8 (detail) Lavender Mist: Number 1 Easter and the Totem 1939 Epstein, mathematician. 1923 Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida, Spanish Realist and Impressionist painter, born on 27 February 1863. LINKS On the Beach Children on the Beach They Still Say That Fish Is Expensive! Return from Fishing Towing the Bark Señor Crotto José Luis Benlliure López de Arana El niño de la bola Grupa valenciana
1889 Ferdinand Konrad Bellerman, German artist who was born on 14 March 1814. 1866 Raffaello Sernesi, in Bolzano, Italian macchiaiolo painter born in Florence on 29 December 1838. MORE ON SERNESI AT ART 4 AUGUST Cupolino alle Cascine Marina a Castiglionccello 1856 Four Yokut Indians, murdered in California by a band of rampaging settlers, who have heard unproven rumors of Yokut atrocities. 1868 Thaddeus Stevens , 76, architect of Radical Reconstruction 1772 Some 3000 persons killed by explosive eruption which blows 1200 m off Papandayan Java. 1691 Nicolaes van Veerandael, Flemish artist born on 19 February 1640. 1578 Nuñez, mathematician.
1253 Saint Clare Scifi, of Assisi, 59, follower of Saint Francis and founder of the Poor Clares. [Scifi is really her last name. She was the eldest daughter of Favorino Scifi, Count of Sasso-Rosso. So why isn't she the patroness of science-fiction?] 0991 Ealdorman Brihtnoth and others as his Saxons are defeated at Maldon by Danes under Olaf Tryggvason . |
Births which occurred on
an 11 August:
1956 Lions, mathematician
1930 American Lutheran Church, in Toledo, Ohio, by merger of three Lutheran synods. (In 1960 the ALC merged with two other branches of Evangelical Lutheranism, and in 1988 joined with a third Lutheran group to form the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCA.) 1925 Carl Rowan (journalist: NBC News, Chicago Daily News; author: Dream Makers, Dream Breakers: The World of Justice Thurgood Marshall, Breaking Barriers, Wait Till Next Year, Go South in Sorrow, South of Freedom; director: US Information Agency; US Ambassador to Finland)
1895 Egon Pearson, mathematician
1833 Robert Green Ingersoll, advocate of scientific realism and humanistic philosophy. INGERSOLL ONLINE: Complete works Some Mistakes of Moses co~author of Ingersoll the Magnificent. 1730 Bossut, mathematician. 1695 Michelangelo Unterberger, Austrian artist who died on 27 June 1758. 0843 France. Le traité de Verdun partage de l'empire entre Lothaire, Louis et Charles. On s'accorde à y voir la base juridique de l'indépendance du royaume de France et sa "naissance". |