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Events, deaths, births, of AUG 27 [For Aug 27 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Sep 06 1700s: Sep 07 1800s: Sep 08 1900~2099: Sep 09] |
![]() 2002 HealthSouth Corporation (HRC) announces plans to split in two to shield its strong surgery center division from expected earnings weakness in its rehabilitation services, due to changes in Medicare [next story]. The stock of Healthsouth Corporation (HRC) is downgraded by UBS Warburg from Strong Buy to Buy. On the New York Stock Exchange, HRC drops from its previous close of $11.97 to an intraday low of $6.24 and closes at $6.71. It had started trading on 29 September 1997, at $26.63, and then rose to $30.56 on 27 April 1998. From there it dropped as low as $4.81 on 27 December 1999, but then recovered to as much as $18.48 on 04 September 2001. [5~year price chart >] 2002 Older people in 23 states of the US will have a new option in Medicare: managed care plans that offer prescription drug coverage and are more flexible than HMOs, much like those chosen by many people under age 65. Under an experimental plan announced today, up to 11 million Medicare participants in 23 states can sign up for preferred provider organizations, where coverage is cheap as long as patients use doctors and hospitals that are on the insurance company's list. Unlike health maintenance organizations, PPOs allow subscribers to visit doctors outside the network, but they have to pay extra. All 33 health plans participating in the program intend to offer prescription drug coverage. The traditional Medicare program, where patients can see any doctor they want, has never offered drug coverage outside of hospitals. So older people who want coverage have been forced to buy expensive supplementary coverage or join HMOs. Officials hope the new plans prove both popular with seniors and financially viable for insurance companies, who have pulled out of the Medicare HMO program in droves. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson noted that nearly half of all people in the US under age 65 are in PPOs. "If this is so popular with Americans under 65, we should provide the same choices for our seniors," he said. Congress has been debating how to add prescription drug coverage to Medicare so that all participants can get help with their drug bills. Disagreements over how to structure the program and how much to spend have tied up the issue, and no bill is expected to pass this year. Many seniors signed up for HMOs to get drug coverage, but those plans have complained that they didn't get enough money to cover participants and many have dropped out. About 12% of Medicare participants remain in HMOs now. Under the pilot program announced Tuesday, plans agree to offer coverage for at least three years. They will typically be paid more per enrollee than health plans offering HMOs are paid. If spending on participants winds up being significantly higher or significantly lower, the loss or the savings will be shared with the federal government. Seniors can sign up for the new plans beginning in November 2002, with coverage starting on 01 January 2003. The option will be available to about 11 million Medicare participants. Plans intend to offer PPOs in all or parts of 23 states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington. 2001 In Afghanistan, the theocratic Taliban dictator Mullah Mohammed Omar adds to the long list of repressive worse~than~medieval measures imposed in the name of a brand of Islam accepted nowhere else. Now he bans the use of the Internet, except in Kandahar, where most of the senior Taliban leaders are based. It is not clear whether the death penalty will be encurred by violators (as it is, for example, by those committing the crime of speaking well of Christianity). Perhaps, mercifully, they will just have their eyes put out and their hands cut off. Many Afghan men and, especially, women (who, to put it briefly, are forbidden just about everything) must be longing for the good old days of Soviet aggression (1979~1989), from which the Taliban (with CIA support) freed them. 2001 The Norwegian cargo ship Tampa rescues 434 refugees from Afghanistan and Sri Lanka from crippled Indonesian ferry KM Palapa early in the day. The refugees insist that their rescuers take them to Australia and not back to Indonesia. But when the overloaded Tampa, with the suffering refugees on deck under the tropical sun, approaches Australia's Christmas Island, Australian Prime Minister John Howard, in a demagogic move as elections approach, inhumanely refuses it entry. The refugees would continue to suffer until at last, on 3 September 2001, they are transfered to a troop ship that takes some of them to more hospitable New Zealand, and the others to be processed to be sent anywhere but Australia, on tiny Nauru island. |
1989 100 march through Bensonhurst protesting racial killings 1984 President Reagan announces the Teacher in Space project 1981 Divers begin to recover a safe found aboard the sunken Andrea Doria 1979 The US IRS establishes the position of Taxpayer Ombudsman, the "taxpayer's advocate in resolving problems, 1975 Veronica and Colin Scargill (England) complete tandem bicycle ride, a record 29'000 km around the world
1966 Francis Chichester begins the first solo sail around the
world 1966 Race riot in Waukegan Illinois 1963 Cambodia severs ties with South Vietnam. .
1945 US troops land in Japan after Japanese surrender. 1945 B-29 Superfortress bombers begin to drop supplies into Allied prisoner of war camps in China.
1928 Fifteen nations sign the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact, outlawing war and calling for the settlement of disputes through arbitration. Forty-seven other countries eventually sign the pact. 1916 Italy declares war on Germany. 1913 Lt Peter Nestrov, of Imperial Russian Air Service, performs a loop in a monoplane at Kiev (first aerobatic maneuver in an airplane) 1910 Thomas Edison demonstrates the first "talking" pictures using a phonograph in his New Jersey laboratory. 1910 First radio broadcast from an airplane in flight, over Sheepshead Bay, New York. 1904 First jailing of a speeder, in Newport, Rhode Island. This was a harsh sentence in 1904 because traffic laws were still relatively new the first traffic code wasn’t implemented until 1903, when New York introduced a two-page book of regulations. Early traffic regulations varied drastically from state to state, some having no speed limits at all. |
1876 At age 13, future English clergyman G. Campbell Morgan preaches his first sermon. He later grew to become one of the most famous expository preachers and writers of late 19th century England and US. 1865 Rhenish missionary Ludwig I. Nommensen, 31, baptizes four families of the Batak tribe in North Sumatra (Indonesia) the first to be converted to the Christian faith. Nommensen later established a theological training school and in 1878 completed a translation of the New Testament into the Batak language. 1863 Skirmish at Bayou Meto (Reed's Bridge), Arkansas. 1863 Siege of Fort Wagner, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina continues. 1862 As the Second Battle of Bull Run rages, Confederate soldiers attack Loudoun County, Virginia. The Quaker-dominated Loudoun Rangers openly defied Virginia tradition to serve the Union. 1862 Stonewall Jackson captures and plunders Union supply depot at Manassas Junction, Virginia. |
1793 Maximilien Robespierre is elected to the Committee of Public Safety in Paris, France. 1789 French Natl Assembly issues "Decl of the Rights of Man and the Citizen" 1783 first hydrogen balloon flight (unmanned); reaches 900 m altitude 1665 Ye Bare and Ye Cubb is first play performed in N. America (Acomac, Va) 1626 The Danes are crushed by the Catholic League in Germany, marking the end of Danish intervention in European wars. 26 -BC- Origin of Egyptian Era 65 av. J.C. Jules César s'apprète à débarquer en Grande Bretagne. Il est le seul à avoir réalisé ce rêve de tous les grands conquérants. De retour à Rome, César, qui veut accéder à l'empire, sera assassiné par des nobles républicains. Ce grand soldat fut aussi un grand homme d'état et un réformateur très avisé. |
1975 Haile Selassie, 83, in Addis Ababa, last emperor of Ethiopia's
3000-year-old monarchy, almost a year after being overthrown. 1963 W E B Du Bois, 95, scholar/founder (NAACP), in Accra, Ghana 1958 Dr Ernest O Lawrence , 57, inventor (Cyclotron-Nobel 1939) 1953 Atanasio Soldati, Italian artist of the Concrete Art Movement, born on 25 August 1896. Composizione
1900 Antoine Vollon, French painter born on 23 April 1833. LINKS
1876 Eugène Dupeux Fromentin, French painter born on 24 October 1820 LINKS
1831 François Dumont l'aîné, French artist born
on 07 January 1751. 1798 Louis Joseph Watteau de Lille, French artist born on 19 April 1731. Nephew of THE Jean-Antoine Watteau (10 Oct 1684 18 Jul 1721). The Storm
1691 Gregor Brandmüller, Swiss artist born on 25 August 1661.
1664 Cornelis-Pieterszoon Bega, Dutch painter born on 15 November 1620. MORE ON BEGA AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS The Alchemist The Duet same The Duet The Lute Player Tavern Scene Woman Playing a Lute 32 prints at FAMSF 1651 Jacob-Adriaensz Backer, Dutch Baroque era portrait and history painter, born in 1608. MORE ON BACKER AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS Johannes Lutma, Amsterdam Silversmith The Hearing 1635 Lope Félix de Vega Carpio , 72, dramatist/poet (Angelica, Arcadia) 1576 Tiziano di Gregorio Tiziano Titian, Italian painter born in 1489 approximately. Portrait of Titian engraved by Agostino Carracci [1557 - 1602] after a Titian self~portrait. MORE ON TITIAN AT ART 4 AUGUST LINKS Portrait of a Friend Self~Portrait Assumption of the Virgin _ the same (smaller reproduction) Assumption of the Virgin (1518, 690x360cm) _ big picture detail A (the Virgin) _ big picture detail B (4 apostles at left) _ detail 1 (Virgin looking up) _ detail 2 (God the Father looking down) _ detail 3 (apostles at right reaching up) Gipsy Madonna Holy Family and Donor Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine and a Rabbit Madonna and Child with the Young St. John the Baptist and St. Catherine [detail] Mary with the Child and Saints Madonna with Saints and Members of the Pesaro Family _ detail 1 (Saint Peter's head) _ detail 2 (Madonna's head) _ detail 3 (the Pesari) Pope Alexander IV Presenting Jacopo Pesaro to Saint Peter Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple _ detail _ right side of the painting. Crowning with Thorns The Last Supper (main detail) Pentecost Penitent Mary Magdalen Mater Dolorosa (with clasped hands) _ the same (smaller reproduction) Mater Dolorosa (with clasped hands) Mater Dolorosa (with parted hands) Pietà Saint Sebastian Polyptych of the Resurrection Saint Mark Enthroned with Saints _ the same (smaller reproduction) Saint Mark Enthroned with Saints (1510, 230x149cm) _ big picture detail The Tribute Money Saint John the Baptist Charles V on Horseback Cain and Abel Madonna and Child Flaying of Marsalas Pietro Aretino Francesco Maria della Rovere, Duke of Urbino Ranuccio Farnese Flora Man with Gloves Doge Andrea Gritti Portrait of a Man Portrait of a Young Woman Profane Love (Vanity) Violante (La Bella Gatta) Charles V Seated _ Charles V Seated Emperor Charles V at Mühlberg Empress Isabel of Portugal Girl with a Basket of Fruits (Lavinia) Portrait of an Old Man (Pietro Cardinal Bembo) Pope Paul III _ the same (smaller reproduction) Pope Paul III Pope Paul III and his Cousins Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese King Philip II a different King Philip II Self-Portrait Jacopo Strada Marcantonio Trevisani Worship of Venus Bacchus and Ariadne _ the same (smaller reproduction) Bacchus and Ariadne The Andrians (Bacchanalia) Jupiter and Anthiope (Pardo-Venus) Sacred and Profane Love _ detail The Venus of Urbino Venus with Organist and Cupid _ detail Venus faisant sa toilette Danae _ very slightly different Danae Venus and Adonis _ very slightly different Venus and Adonis Venus Blindfolding Cupid The Bravo The Concert Judith with the Head of Holofernes Tarquin and Lucretia The Three Ages of Man _ The Three Ages of Man Concert Champêtre The Birth of Adonis The Legend of Polydorus Noli me tangere Life of Saint Anthony of Padua Madonna in Glory with the Christ Child and Saints Francis and Alvise with the Donor Alvise Gozzi A Knight of Malta Tomaso or Vincenzo Mosti Ippolito de' Medici , The Young Englishman A Musician a Girl (Lavinia) Venus Anadyomene Venus and Cupid with an Organist Danae with Nursemaid Diana and Callisto Allegory of Time Governed by Prudence Religion Succored by Spain |
![]() ![]() 1985 Alexandra Nechita, in Romania, child prodigy artist. She began working in pen and ink at the age of two. By age five she had graduated to watercolors. At seven she was using oils and acrylics. 1943 Luis Caballero, Colombian artist who died in 1995. 1932 Antonia Fraser, biographer (Mary Queen of Scots) 1929 Ira Levin author (Rosemary's Baby, Sleuth, This Perfect Day) 1912 Tarzan, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, first appears, in a magazine. Burroughs was born on 1 September 1875 in Chicago, the son of a wealthy businessman.He was educated at private schools in Chicago, at the prestigious Philips Academy, Andover, Mass. (from which he was expelled), and at Michigan Military Academy, where he subsequently taught briefly. He spent the years 1897 to 1911 in numerous unsuccessful jobs and business ventures in Chicago and Idaho. Eventually settling in Chicago with a wife and three children, Burroughs began writing advertising copy and then turned to pulp fiction. His first published piece, in the adventure magazine All-Story in 1911, was Under the Moons of Mars, introducing the invincible hero John Carter, who is transported to Mars apparently by astral projection, following a battle with Apaches in Arizona. The story was so successful that Burroughs turned to writing full-time. The 'Martian' series eventually reached eleven books. The first Tarzan story appears on 27 August 1912, followed in 1914 by Tarzan of the Apes in book form, the first of 25 such books about the son of an English nobleman abandoned in the African jungle during infancy and brought up by apes. Burroughs created in Tarzan a figure that instantly captured the popular fancy, as did his many tales set on Mars. The Tarzan stories were translated into more than 56 languages and were also popular in comic-strip, motion-picture, television, and radio versions. ![]() In several Tarzan books the invincible hero is involved with lost races, hidden cultures, or even with an entire lost continent. During his long career in the jungle, Tarzan battles against Germans, Japanese, and Communists. In the first four books the hero is known variously as "Tar-Zan" ("white-skin" in the ape tongue), "John Clayton," and "Lord Bloomstoke" (later changed to "Lord Greystoke"). Other popular series from Burroughs's pen were The Carson of Venus books, blending romance and comedy, the Pellucidar tales, located inside the Earth, and The Land That Time Forgot trilogy in total some 68 titles. In 1913 Burroughs founded his own publishing house Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Burroughs-Tarzan Enterprises and Burroughs-Tarzan Pictures were founded in 1934. In addition to his four major adventure series, Burroughs wrote between the years 1912 and 1933 several other adventure novels, among them The Cave Girl (1925), in which a weak aristocrat develops into a warrior; two Western novels about a white Apache, The War Chief (1927) and Apache Devil (1933), sympathetic to Amerindians; and Beyond the Farthest Star, in which science-fiction is used to depict the brutality of war. In 1919 Burroughs purchased a large ranch in the San Fernando Valley, which he later developed into the suburb of Tarzana. To support his expensive lifestyle and to cover losses in financial investments, he wrote an average of three novels a year. The first Tarzan film was produced in 1918, When the Olympic swimming champion Johnny Weissmuller took the role in the 1930's, the films became very popular, though they were even worse than the novels, which Burroughs himself admitted were hardly literature.. In 1933 Burroughs was elected mayor of California Beach. During World War II Burroughs was a war correspondent in the South Pacific. He died of heart disease on 19 March 1950. LINKS BURROUGHS ONLINE: |
1910 Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu Mother Teresa, Yugoslavia, founder of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and Nobel Peace Prize winner (1979) 1908 Lyndon Baynes Johnson, near Stonewall, Texas, (D) 36th president of the United States (1963-1969) 1899 C.S. Forester Engl, historical novelist, created Horatio Hornblower series. 1877 Lloyd C. Douglas, American Lutheran clergyman and religious novelist. Douglas published his first best-seller, Magnificent Obsession, in 1929, followed later by The Robe (1942) and The Big Fisherman (1948). 1884 Vincent Auriol, French politician. 1882 Samuel Goldwyn pioneer film maker/producer (MGM)
1858 Giuseppe Peano, mathematician who was the founder of symbolic logic and his interests centred on the foundations of mathematics and on the development of a formal logical language. 1841 Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb , translator into English of SOPHOCLES ONLINE: Ajax Antigone Electra Oedipus at Colonus Oedipus Tyrannus Philoctetes The Trachiniae // other English translations of Sophocles (not by Jebb): Ajax Antigone Oedipus Rex Oedipus the King Oedipus the King The Oedipus Trilogy Philoctetes Philoktetes. 1809 Hannibal Hamlin (R) 15th US Vice-President (1861-65). 1791 Jozef T.L. Geirnaert, Belgian artist who died on 20 March 1859. 1770 Georg Wilhelm F Hegel, in Stuttgart, German idealist philosopher (dialectic) HEGEL ONLINE: (in English translations): The Shorter Logic The Phenomenology of Mind The Philosophy of History (PDF) Philosophy of Right (PDF). 551 B.C. Confucius (K'ung Fu-tzu), philosopher. CONFUCIUS ONLINE: (in English translations): Analects of Confucius Analects of Confucius Analects of Confucius The Doctrine of the Mean The Doctrine of the Mean The Great Learning The Great Learning |