4 2DAY
|Jul 07 >>
Events, deaths, births, of JUL 06 [For Jul 06 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jul 16 1700s: Jul 17 1800s: Jul 18 1900~2099: Jul 19] |
• Anne Frank hides... • Biafra fights for life...
• Smog control... • Dupont diversifies...
• Dalai Lama is born... • Pasteur sauve un enfant de la rage...
• Rebs take Hagerstown... • Chechen puppet mayor killed...
• Peter Rabbit's writer is born...
• Satchmo dies... • Jaruzelski nait...
![]() 2002 Por segunda ocasión, el Tribunal Estatal Electoral del estado de Chihuahua resuelve anular las elecciones para Alcalde en Ciudad Juárez, en las que el panista Jesús Alfredo Delgado había obtenido por segunda vez el triunfo. Contra el voto del magistrado Jesús Salcido, el magistrado presidente del TEE, José Rodríguez Anchondo, resolvió la impugnación hecha por la Alianza Unidos por Juárez, de mayoría priísta. Con este fallo, el PAN aún puede impugnar esta decisión ante el Tribunal Federal Electoral. En los comicios extraordinarios del 12 mayo, durante el conteo, fueron anulados 10 mil 700 votos, lo que provocó suspicacias entre los representantes de la Alianza Unidos por Juárez, por lo que impugnaron el triunfo del candidato del PAN. The previous mayoral vote was held in July 2001. The PAN's victory then was annulled because it ran TV and radio spots for its candidates during a blackout period in Ciudad Juarez and across the border in El Paso, Texas. 2002 At a gasoline station in Inglewood, California, Black motorist Coby Chavis Jackson, is stopped by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies. Inglewood police arrived as backup, and White policeman Jeremy Morse questions the motorist about his suspended driver's license and expired license plates. The motorist's mentally retarded son, Donovan Jackson, 16, reacts in a way that angers the policeman who handcuffs the boy. At this point, in a motel room across the street, Mitchell Crooks, 27, notices the commotion and starts videotaping it. The tape shows Morse slamming Donovan head first into a police car and slugging him in the face as other policemen converge. [a still from the video >] [MORE VIDEO STILLS] After the news comes out, several persons would complain that Morse had brutalized them, including Nelson Williams who would say that, on 23 June 2002, Morse and other policemen had beaten him so badly that he fell into a coma. On 11 July 2000 Mitchell Crooks is arrested on pre-existing Placer County warrants for petty theft and driving under the influence of alcohol with a hit-and-run. 2001 Consistent with his past statements, Pope John Paul II says: Restrictive economic measures imposed from outside are unjust and ethically unacceptable." This time it is to the US embargo against Cuba that he refers. 2000 The German parliament offered a formal apology to Nazi-era slave and forced laborers as it passed a bill setting up a $5 billion compensation fund. 2000 The body of 19-year-old Cory Erving, son of basketball star Julius "Dr. J" Erving, is found in his car at the bottom of a Florida pond; he'd been missing since May 28. 1997 Los restos del guerrillero Ernesto "Che" Guevara aparecen en una fosa común de Vallegrande (Bolivia). 1996. US President Clinton announced the biggest changes in the rules governing meat and poultry safety in 90 years.
1989 Mijail Gorbachov se compromete a respetar la libertad de los países del Este para elegir su sistema político-social. 1989 The U.S. Army destroyed its last Pershing 1-A missiles at an ammunition plant in Karnack, Texas, under terms of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty. 1988 Carlos Salinas de Gortari elected president of Mexico 1986 Fracasa un intento de golpe de Estado en Filipinas, capitaneado por Arturo Tolentino, contra el Gobierno de Cory Aquino. 1983 US Supreme Court rules retirement plans can't pay women less 1982 En España, Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo dimite como presidente de Unión de Centro Democrático (UCD) y Landelino Lavilla es elegido sustituto por unanimidad.
1978 Israeli jet fighters swoop over mostly Moslem West Beirut
1978 Se concede la independencia a las Islas Salomón.
1972 El presidente del Partido Liberal Demócrata, Kakuei Tanaka, es nombrado primer ministro del Japón y comienza un acercamiento a China. 1971 White House Plumbers unit formed to plug news leaks 1971 Hastings Kamuzu Banda se autoproclama presidente vitalicio de la República y del Partido del Congreso de Malawi.
1964 Malawi (then Nyasaland) gains independence from Britain (Natl Day)
1959 Saar becomes part of German Federal Republic 1958 Alaska becomes the 49th US state
1952 Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, candidato del PRI, vence en las elecciones presidenciales en una jornada marcada por los desórdenes. 1947 La ley de Sucesión en la Jefatura del Estado Español en favor de Franco es refrendada por un 92% de los votos. 1946 Argentina reivindica la soberanía sobre las islas Malvinas. El Parlamento solicita al Gobierno que se someta el pleito con Gran Bretaña al consejo de seguridad de la ONU. 1945 Nicaragua becomes first nation to formally accept UN Charter Nicaragua es el primer estado en aceptar la carta de las Naciones Unidas.
1936 En la revista Time aparece la crítica literaria de la novela Gone With the Wind, de Margaret Mitchell. 1936 46ºC, Moorhead, Minnesota (state record) 1936 49ºC, Steele, North Dakota (state record) 1932 first class postage back up to 3 cents from 2 cents 1931 Entra en vigor en Estados Unidos la moratoria sobre las deudas de guerra, decretada por Herbert Hoover para reactivar las exportaciones. 1928 first all-talking motion picture shown, in NY (Lights of NY) 1928 Worlds largest hailstone 1« lbs (17') falls in Potter Nebraska 1925 Se constituye en España el Partido de la Unión Patriótica, presidido por el general Miguel Primo de Rivera. 1924 first photo sent experimentally across Atlantic by radio, US-England 1922 Jacinto Benavente pierde en Nueva York el pleito sobre La malquerida interpuesto contra John Underhill, traductor al inglés de sus obras. 1917 Lawrence de Arabia triunfa en su empeño de unificar a los árabes contra el Imperio otomano. During World War I, Arab forces led by T.E. Lawrence captured the port of Aqaba from the Turks
1906 Se encarga al general López Domínguez la formación de un nuevo gobierno en España. 1894 Cleveland sends 2000 troops to Chicago to suppress Pullman strike
1777 British General Burgoyne captures Fort Ticonderoga from Americans 1713 Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco, marqués de Villena, resulta elegido primer director de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua. 1699 Captain William Kidd arrested in Boston 1685 Bataille de Sedgemoor en Angleterre. Jacques II écrase les paysans des ducs de Monmouth et d'Argyll. Malgré cette victoire, il ne restera que quelques mois sur le trône et viendra se réfugier en France où il finira ses jours. 1483 England's King Richard III crowned. |
![]() 2002 Abdul Qadir and his son-in-law, by two gunmen firing assault rifles, in Kabul, at about 12:40. Since the establishing of the new government in June 2002, Qadir was one of Afghanistan's three Vice-Presidents and head of the Ministry of Public Works which he was just leaving, his son-in-law driving. [27 Nov 2001 photo: Qadir, then post-Taliban governor of the Pashtun province of Nangarhar, at the UN-sponsored Afghan talks , in Koenigswinter, Germany, to plan the interim government. >] 2002 Palestinian sources said yesterday that a Palestinian woman and her two-year-old daughter were killed by IDF gunfire in the Gaza Strip. A review conducted last night by the IDF division commander in the area, Col. Yoel Sarik, revealed that there was IDF gunfire in the area at the time. Whether the mother and child were caught in the gunfire still remains to determined. According to Palestinian reports, the woman, Randa al-Hindi, 42, and her daughter, Nur, were traveling at 5 A.M. on the road from Khan Yunis to Gaza, following a visit to relatives. Palestinian sources said the two were hit by light-weapons fire close to the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood south of the city. A conflicting report said the car in which the two had been traveling had been hit by a tank shell. A third Palestinian, Subhi Shurab, 40, was killed at the weekend in Khan Yunis, close to the Katif Bloc settlements. Palestinian sources said the man was killed by IDF gunfire. 2002 Randa al-Hindi, 42, and her daughter, Nur, 2, Palestinians, by Israeli gunfire or a tank shell, close to the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood south of Gaza city, as they were traveling at 05:00 on the road from Khan Yunis to Gaza, following a visit to relatives. 2002 Subhi Shurab, 40, Palestinian, by Israeli army gunfire, in Khan Yunis, close to the Katif Bloc settlements. 2001 Ramzan Gasayev, puppet administrator of Alkhan-Kala, executed by Chechen patriots. Five masked men shot Gasayev at point-blank range in the evening when he opened the door to his house. The gunmen left a note saying the execution was revenge for the death of Chechen patriot field commander Arbi Barayev, who was killed in a Russian military sweep of Alkhan-Kala the previous week. Russian officials said Barayev was killed during an eight-day military operation in which troops surrounded Alkhan-Kala and searched it for rebels. This same day a Human Rights Watch report says that Russian forces in Chechnya have arbitrarily detained hundreds and possibly thousands of Chechen men in a new round of sweep operations like the one in Alkhan-Kala. Eyewitnesses from several villages report torture, ill-treatment and extortion of the detainees. The present level of arbitrary detentions is unprecedented. This amounts to collective punishment and is absolutely unacceptable. 2001 Three Russian soldiers in 13 attacks by Chechen patriots on the occupiers' positions and checkpoints. 2001 Six Russian combat policemen when their vehicles hit landmines in occupied Grozny, Chechnia. 2001: 11 persons, by falling tree. Some 120 mostly teenagers at an outdoor Yiddish music concert at the Château Pourtalès park, in a northern Strasbourg suburb, took refuge from the rain in a tent, when, at about 22:00, sudden winds of up to 150 km/h blew a huge plane tree, similar to a sycamore, down onto the tent. 85 were injured, 17 of them seriously. 2000 Some heat victims in Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, as, for the third day, a Saharan air mass pushes temperatures to records unequalled in 112 years, to as much as 45ºC and some 10ºC above normal. Air conditioning in those countries is not as common as in the southern US. 2000 Michael Costin, 40, in a coma from having his head pounded on the floor by the much stronger Thomas Junta, 40, the previous day, in an argument about their 10-year-old sons hockey practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Junta would be tried for this in January 2002, convicted of involuntary manslaughter on 11 January 2002, and sentenced on 25 January 2002 to 6-to-10 years in prison as asked by the prosecution, the judge commenting that he would have preferred the maximum, 20 years..
1987 first of 3 massacres by Sikh extremists takes place in India 1972 Brandon De Wilde , 30, actor (Jamie), in a car crash
1959 George Grosz, German Expressionist painter was born on 26 July 1893. LINKS Lower Manhattan untitled (Unhuman) High Dunes Berlin Street Scene You Holy Assembly of Freaks Lovesick Man In Honor of Professor Freud Passerby Dawn Twilight
1905 Anton Burger, German artist born on 24 November 1824. 1897 José de Letamendi, médico y escritor español. 1857 Ignaz Raffalt, Austrian artist born on 21 July 1800. 1854 Georg Simon Ohm, physicist and therefore mathematician. 1598 Benito Arias Montano, escritor y humanista español. 1553 Edward VI, 15, king of England since 1547, of tuberculosis. |
1415 Jan Hus, 46 ans, brûlé à Constance, Allemagne. Ce pacifiste, nationaliste et réformateur Tchèque suscita non seulement l’ire de la Papauté (à Rome) mais aussi celle de l’Empire. Il n’avait aucune chance d’échapper à l’Inquisition. En savoir plus sur Jan Hus et les Tabordites. -- Jan Hus, Czech reformer, is burned at the stake for heresy because of his outspoken appeals for church reform and for political and religious rights for the common people. 1189 Henry II, 56, King of England (1154-89) |
Births which occurred on
a July 06: 1946 George W. Bush, Republican governor of Texas, elected US President in 2000 by one vote in the Supreme Court, but not by a majority of the US voters.
1919 Oswaldo Guayasamín, pintor y escultor ecuatoriano. 1914 José García Nieto, poeta y académico español. 1909 Andrei Gromyko (Russian leader: Soviet Foreign Minister; Soviet President) 1884 Harold Vanderbilt (capitalist, sportsman) 1884 André Albert Marie Dunoyer de Segonzac, French artist who died on 17 September 1974 LINKS Le Gros Chêne à Chaville
1859 Verner von Heidenstam Sweden, poet/novelist (Nobel 1916) 1853 Clotel by William Wells Brown published , first novel by Black American (It tells the story of the daughters and granddaughters of President Thomas Jefferson and his slave Currer). He was also the first to have a play and a travel book published. Brown was born to a black slave mother and a white slaveholding father in 1814 approximately. He died on 6 November 1884. WILLIAM WELLS BROWN ONLINE: The Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements (1863) : Clotel, or The President's Daughter (1853) Clotelle, or The Colored Heroine Narrative of William W. Brown, an American Slave (1849) The Negro in the American Rebellion: His Heroism and his Fidelity (page images) 1851 William Lionel Wyllie, British artist who died on 06 April 1931. 1849 Alfred Kempe, mathematician. (or 30 Sep?) 1840 Jehan Georges Vibert, French painter who died on 28 July 1902. MORE ON VIBERT AT ART 4 JULY LINKS The Final Touch The Diet Tea for the Bishop The Sick Doctor (from a play by Vibert) The Wrath of the Bishop La Tireuse de Cartes Napoleon and Son Gulliver Chatting by the Fountain Preparations for the Procession 1840 José María Velasco, Mexican painter who died on 25 August 1912. Velasco at Arts History of Mexico Self~Portrait The Hacienda of Chimilpa 1840 Johannes Hermanus Barend Koekkoek, Dutch artist who died on 12 January 1912. 1832 Maximiliano I de Habsburgo, archiduque de Austria y Emperador de México. 1825 Joseph Frédéric Charles Soulacroix, French artist who died in 1879. 1818 Adolf Anderssen Prussia, world chess champion (1851-66) 1796 Nicholas I Russia, Tsar (1825-55) 1794 Wilhelm Hensel, German artist who died on 26 November 1861. 1747 John Paul Jones (American naval officer of the ship, Bonhomme Richard in battle against British frigate, Serapis: "I have not yet begun to fight!") 1687 Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica of Isaac Newton, published. Newton was born on 4 January 1643 and died on 31 March 1727 (Gregorian dates). NEWTON ONLINE: (English translation:) Principia (Latin) Principia, Book Two, Lemma II Opticks: or, A Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light; Also Two Treatises of the Species and Magnitude of Curvilinear Figures (page images) 1589 Pieter Brueghel III, Flemish painter, who died in 1639. |