Jul 14| HISTORY “4” “2”DAY
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Events, deaths, births, of JUL 15 [For Jul 15 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jul 25 1700s: Jul 26 1800s: Jul 27 1900~2099: Jul 28] |
On a July 15:
2002 The euro trades above $1 for the first time since February 2000.
2001 In the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, police stop a speeding car with US licence plates driven by Eduardo del Refugio. In the trunk they find a 7-kg Siberian tiger cub. There are only some 200 Siberian tigers in the wild. They are a highly protected endangered species. 2000 The United Nations launched a successful military operation to help 222 Indian peacekeepers and 11 military observers break out of a rebel stronghold in Sierra Leone
1991 Group of Seven leaders opened their 17th annual economic summit in London, plunging into debate over aid to the Soviet Union. 1987 John Poindexter testifies at Iran-Contra hearings
1976 36-hr kidnap of 26 schoolchildren & their bus driver in Calif |
1976 A 36-hour kidnap ordeal began for 26 schoolchildren
and their bus driver as they were abducted near Chowchilla, Calif., by
three gunmen and imprisoned in an underground cell. (The captives escaped
1954 1st commercial jet transport plane built in US tested (Boeing 707) 1952 1st transatlantic helicopter flight begins 1948 Pres Truman nominated for another term 1941 Florey & Heatley present freeze dried mold cultures (Penicillin). |
1933 Wiley Post began 1st solo flight around the world 1922 1st duck-billed platypus publicly exhibited in US, at NY zoo 1918 2nd Battle of Marne began during WW I
1893 Commodore Perry arrives in Japan 1888 Bandai volcano (Japan) erupts for 1st time in 1000 years 1870 Georgia became the last Confederate state readmitted to the Union. 1870 Hudson's Bay & Northwest Territories transferred to Canada 1870 Manitoba becomes 5th Canadian province & NW Territories created. 1863 Confederate raider, Bill Anderson, and his Bushwackers attack Huntsville MI, where they steal $45'000 from the local bank. 1863 Siege of Fort Wagner, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina continues.
1815 Napoléon Bonaparte captured
1662 Charles II grants charter to establish Royal Society in London
![]() 2002 Samantha Runnion, 5 [photo >], sexually abused, and murdered by suffocation after being abducted kicking and screaming by Alejandro Avila who drove up making a U-turn and asked for help finding his dog, as Samantha was sitting on a wall 50 m from her townhouse complex home in Stanton, California, playing a board game with a friend, Sarah Ahn, 5, who would give police an amazingly accurate description of the abductor and of his car. Samantha's nude body, would be found the next day 120 km away, on the edge of the Cleveland National Forest. Avila would be arrested on 19 July 2002. In 2000 Avila was acquitted by a jury of molesting two girls in Riverside County. One of the girls, the 9-year-old daughter of Avila's ex-girlfriend Mrs. Elizabeth Veglahn Coker, lived in the same townhouse complex as the Runnions. 2001 Ramesh Narayanan, 38, his wife Kanchana, 34, and their three daughters, ages 10, 9, 1. ^top^ Their bodies are found early the next morning on a bed in their home in the Anna Nagar neighborhood of Chennai, India. A couple of soft drink bottles, five empty glasses and a vial with an insecticide label are found on a nearby table. A suicide note by Narayanan implies that police harassment drove him to kill himself. Suicide or murder masquerading as suicide? Narayanan was a wealthy civil contractor and a close associate of Chennai Mayor M.K. Stalin. 2000 John O. Pastore, 93, former Rhode Island governor and longtime U.S. senator.
1948 John J. Pershing, 87, US General (WW I) 1931 Bortkiewicz, mathematician. 1916 Georges Lemmen, Belgian Art Nouveau painter born on 25 November 1865. LINKS Avec le plus vif de plaisir, chère Madame! The Beach at Heist Portrait of Mme. Lemmen 1875 Jean Charles Joseph Remond, French artist born on 19 April 1795. 1869 A. J. Hayne, Black captain of Arkansas militia, assassinated.
1841 Savary, mathematician. 1823 St Paul's Outside the Walls, destroyed by a fire. The original church was erected in Rome in AD 324 by emperor Constantine. 1821 Johann-Ludwig Krimmel, German artist born in 1787. 1765 Charles André van Loo, French artist born on 15 February 1705. 1609 Annibale Carracci, Italian artist born on 03 November 1560. MORE ON CARRACCI AT ART 4 JULY LINKS The Beaneater Butcher's Shop Fishing Hunting The Choice of Heracles Venus with a Satyr and Cupids Assumption of the Virgin Mary Lamentation of Christ Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne (detail) The Cyclops Polyphemus Domine quo vadis? 1099 Un massacre marque la fin "officielle" de la première Croisade, après que les Infidèles eussent restitué les Lieux Saints (Tombeau du Christ) aux Croisés, sous l’autorité de Godefroy de Bouillon (selon le poète italien Le Tasse). The Muslim citizens of Jerusalem surrender their city to the armies of the First Crusade. The Crusaders then proceeded, through misguided religious zeal (??!!), to massacre thousands of unarmed men, women and children. 0998 Abu'l-Wafa, mathematician |
Births which occurred on
a July 15: ^top^
1996 MSNBC debut, all-news cable TV channel, a joint venture between Microsoft and NBC. A companion Web site scheduled for simultaneous launch appears online several hours late due to technical problems. 1946 Hassanal Bolkiah, who would become the 29th Sultan of Brunei in 1968. (National holiday). 1930 Stephen Smale, mathematician who received the Fields medal in 1966 for his work on differential geometry
1909 Cochran, mathematician 1906 Yushkevich, mathematician. 1898 Mead Schaeffer, US artist who died in 1980. 1895 Ernst Huber, Austrian artist who died in 1960. 1875 Rudolf Lévy, German artist. 1873 Hendrik Jan Wolter, Dutch artist who died in 1952. 1869 Margarine, patented in Paris, for use by French Navy. 1868 Bert Greer Phillips, US artist who died in 1956. 1865 Wirtinger, mathematician. 1861 Karl Hartmann, German artist who died in 1927. 1854 Jacek Malczewski, Polish painter who died in 1929, specialized in unhappy subjects. MORE ON MALCZEWSKI AT ART 4 JULY LINKS Self-Portrait in Armor [he looks unhappy, the armor and the vast ocean in the background are tinged with red] Self~Portrait [dark and sad on a background of brightly lit happy fauns] Melancholia [a rioting mob, floating just above the floor, fills the artist's studio] In the Dust Devil [on the background of a wheat field and a distant forest of trees of uniform height, it is made up of faint figures of damned people] Vicious Circle [figures of the damned for their vices swirl around a tall stepladder on top of which sits a pensative young man] Death [the artist stretches his face toward a woman who is holding a scythe in her right hand, and with her left closes his eyes] a different Death [a pale redhead is about to close the artist's eyes with her right hand, her left hand rests on a partition between them and bears a wedding ring] 1850 St Frances Xavier Cabrini [Mother Cabrini], 1st US saint 1796 Thomas Bulfinch mythologist (Bulfinch's Mythology) 1779 Clement Clarke Moore US, Episcopal educator. His fame endures today, not as a theologian, but as the author of a completely mythical poem: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' [A Visit from St. Nicholas] (1823). 1718 Alexander Roslin, Swedish painter who died on 05 July 1793. LINKS Benjamin Franklin 1701 Pierre Joubert , would become oldest known Canadian (113 y 124 d at death)
1490 Francesco Maria Rondani, Italian artist who died in November 1548. |
Transvectio equitum
^top^ Tous les 15 juillet, dans la Rome Antique, défilé de l’Ordre Equestre, les "Chevaliers", un corps d’élite au niveau militaire, aristocratique au niveau social et "dirigeant" au niveau politique. Comme c’était chaque citoyen romain qui payait son propre équipement militaire et l’entretenait, y compris son cheval, l’appartenance à ce corps n’était possible qu’aux citoyens fortunés. Le défilé partait d’une des portes de la ville et remontait jusqu’au Capitole en s’arrêtant au Temple de Castor sur le Forum. Castor était considéré comme le Patron des Cavaliers. Il faut noter que si en Grèce, le jumeau de Castor, Pollux, est vénéré au mêm titre que son frère (les Dioscures), à Rome, Pollux ne connaît aucun culte particulier. |