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Events, deaths, births, of JUN 30 [For Jun 30 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699: Jul 10 1700s: Jul 11 1800s: Jul 12 1900~2099: Jul 13] |
1985 39 remaining US hostages from TWA Flight 847 are freed in Beirut after being held 17 days. 1982 US Federal Equal Rights Amendment fails 3 states short of ratification 1981 China's Communist Party condemns the late Mao Tse-tung's policy 1973 Observers aboard Concorde jet observe 72-min solar eclipse 1972 first leap second day; also 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985 1971 The 26th Amendment to the US Constitution, lowering the minimum voting age to 18, is ratified as Ohio becomes the 38th state to approve it.
1969 Spain cedes Ifni to Morocco.
1962 Rwanda and Burundi become independent 1962 Le colonel Boumédienne, un des héros de la Résistance algérienne contre les français est démis de ses responsabilités et destitué " officiellement ". Ben-Bella et Ferhat-Abbas apportent leur soutien à Boumédienne. Mais les rivalités engendreront encore de nombreuses et sanglantes luttes.
1939 Heinkel He. 176 rocket plane flies for first time, at Peenemünde
1936 40 hour work week law approved for the US (federal) 1930 first round-the-world radio broadcast Schenectady NY 1927 Augusto Cesar Sandino issues his Manifesto Politico 1923 New Zealand claims Ross Dependency in Antarctica 1921 President Harding appointed former President Taft chief justice of the United States.
1913 2nd Balkan War begins 1909 In Rome, the Catholic Pontifical Biblical Commission issues a decree interpreting the first 11 chapters of Genesis as history, not myth. (??)
1906 US Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act adopted. 1894 Korea declares independence from China, asks for Japanese aid [like asking a shark for help against a crocodile].
1865 Eight Lincoln-assassination conspirators convicted in Washington, DC 1864 US Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, resigns 1863 Siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana continues 1863 Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi continues
1862 Battle of Glendale (Frayser's Farm), Virginia
![]() 1827 La girafe arrive au Jardin des Plantes Une girafe est offerte au roi de France Charles X par le Pacha d’Egypte. Elle arrive à Marseille et traverse la France en grande pompe, objet d’une curiosité populaire énorme. Ce jour, elle est installée au Jardin des Plantes où des centaines de milliers de Parisiens viendront l’admirer pendant 20 ans, jusqu’à sa mort. ![]() 1794 Battle of Fort Recovery, Ohio 1741 Pope Benedict XIV encyclical forbidding traffiquing in alms [< click on image for 1741 portrait of Benedict XIV by Pierre Subleyras] 1673 Prise de Maëstricht Vauban conduit le siège en présence du roi Louis XIV. Les Hollandais résistent dans cette ville qu'ils ont annexée en 1632. Mais Louis XIV veut venir à bout de "cette république de marchands de fromages". C'est au cours de l'un des assauts que d'Artagnan meurt. 1607 Annales Ecclesiastici (Scientific History of Catholicism) published 1294 Jews are expelled from Berne Switzerland.
Deaths which
occurred on a 30 June: 2002 Muhaned al-Taher the Engineer-4, 26, and Imad Draoza, one of his deputies, intentionally killed by Israeli troops in Nablus, West Bank, because Hamas's military wing in Nablus, of which Taher was the head, was responsible from at least 107 Israeli deaths in suicide bombings, included the 19 on the bus of 18 June 2002. The al-Aqsa intifada body count now is at least 548 Israelis and 1430 Palestinians. 2002:: 19 Poles en route to Medjugorje, Bosnia, in a chartered bus which, at 01:00, in Somogy district, Hungary, on the main Budapest-Zagreb highway, veers into the center of a roudabout, overturns and falls into a ditch. The dead include the one of the two drivers who was driving (he probably fell asleep at the wheel), 8 other men, 8 women, a teenaged boy, and a girl, 6. All others on board (32) are injured, including the organizer of the pilgrimage from Stoczek, near Lublin, Father Stefan. 1974 Mrs. Martin Luther King Sr., shot while at the organ in Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church, by a crazed black man. She was the mother of Martin Luther King Jr, who preached in that church. A deacon was also killed. 1972 Linni, mathematician
1934 Ernst
Röhm, 46, and hundreds of Nazis,
assassinated on orders from their Führer
^top^ In Germany, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler ordered a bloody purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis who he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future. The leadership of the Nazi Storm Troopers (SA), whose four million members had helped bring Hitler to power in the early 1930s, was especially targeted. Hitler feared that some of his followers had taken his early "National Socialism" propaganda too seriously, and thus might compromise his plan to suppress workers' rights in exchange for German industry making the country war-ready. Eleven years earlier, the "Beer Hall Putsch"--the Nazis first attempt at seizing power in Germany by force--had ended in failure, and Hitler was sent to Landsberg jail, where he spent nine months in prison writing his autobiography, Mein Kampf, and working on his oratorical skills. Upon his release, the Nazi Party was reorganized as a fanatical mass movement that gained a majority in the German parliament--the Reichstag--by legal means in 1932. In the same year, Hindenburg defeated a presidential bid by Hitler, but in January of 1933 appointed him as chancellor, mistakenly believing that the powerful Nazi leader could be brought to heel as a member of the president's cabinet. However, Hindenburg underestimated Hitler's political audacity, and one of Chancellor Hitler's first acts was to order the burning of the Reichstag building. The Nazi party's propaganda officers disguised the attack as a Communist plot, and Hitler used it as pretext for calling general elections. In the weeks before the elections, the police under Nazi Hermann Goering suppressed much of the party's opposition before the election, and the Nazis won a bare majority. Shortly after, Hitler took on absolute power through the Enabling Acts. On 30 June 1934, Hitler massacred his suspected political critics during the so-called "Night of the Long Knives," and on 02 August, Hindenburg, then merely a figurehead, died. After winning a confidence vote from the German people, Hitler dismantled the last remnants of Germany's democratic government, and became the sole master of a nation intent on war and genocide. La nuit des "Longs couteaux" Sanglante et atroce purge au cours de laquelle Hitler et ses S.S. se débarrassent de tous les opposants au régime, y compris leurs propres partisans jugés pas assez extrémistes comme par exemple Ernst Röhm, chef des brigades S.A., mais aussi deux cents dignitaires politiques et militaires qui pouvaient inquiéter Hitler dans sa montée au sommet du pouvoir. Les S.A. (section d’assaut, allemand: Sturmabteilung), c’est une milice " brune " (les fameuses " chemises brunes ") de 400'000 hommes, disciplinés, expérimentés, composés de tueurs, de repris de justice, de la lie de la société, qui moyennant les plus basses besognes obtiennent leur pardon et même des "privilèges" dans le nouveau régime . Ils feront régner la terreur dans toute l’Allemagne, tuant, torturant, martyrisant, volant et violant sans complexe, sans pitié dès 1921, mais encore plus dans les années 30. A ce moment d’ailleurs, elle compte près de 3 millions d’hommes. Elle n’a rien à voir avec l’armée officielle (la Wehrmacht) qui d’ailleurs les méprise, sans toutefois échapper à leur contrôle. Ils seront, après cette Nuit des longs couteaux, intégré dans les sections SS. C’est la " mafia " au pouvoir, mais disciplinée et aux mains d’une mafia encore plus dangereuse. Dans le film Les Damnés de Luchino Visconti, vous pouvez suivre une reconstitution quasi historique, un tableau saisissant et réaliste de cette affreuse tuerie qui contredit bien l’adage : "Les loups ne se mangent pas entre eux !" Cette tuerie est aussi le symbole clair et inattaquable qu’aucune morale (sinon la fin justifie tous les moyens) n’est respectée par les nazis et que même leurs partisans sont chassés dans une espèce de fuite en avant vers toujours plus de cruauté, plus d’intransigeance … Aucun compromis n’est possible avec eux. |
1919 John
W. Strutt (Lord Rayleigh), 77, mathematician
1849 Peter de Wint, British painter born on 21 January 1784. LINKS Boats on a Beach at Hastings 1798 Simon Julien de Parme, French artist born on 28 October 1735 (alternative date of death: 23 or 24 February 1800). Relative? of Pierre Julien [1732-1804]? 1802 Gaetano Gandolfi, Italian painter and printmaker born on 30 August 1734. LINKS Heads of a Turk and Several Women (etching) Alexander Presenting Campaspe to Apelles (1797) 1662 Jan Corneliszoon Verspronck, Dutch painter specialized in Portraits born in 1597. MORE ON VERSPRONCK AT ART 4 JUNE LINKS Girl in a Blue Dress (giant size) _ Girl in a Blue Dress _ Girl in a Blue Dress Portrait of a Bride Portrait of a Woman Portrait of a Man and Portrait of a Woman Anna von Schoonhoven1849 Albertus Brondgeest, Dutch artist born on 02 December 1786. 1849 Peter de Wint, British painter born on 21 January 1784. LINKS Boats on a Beach at Hastings 1798 Simon Julien de Parme, French artist born on 28 October 1735 (alternative date of death: 23 or 24 February 1800). Relative? of Pierre Julien [1732-1804]? 1802 Gaetano Gandolfi, Italian painter and printmaker born on 30 August 1734. LINKS Heads of a Turk and Several Women (etching) Alexander Presenting Campaspe to Apelles (1797) 1678 Pauwel de Vos, Flemish painter born in 1591 (1596?). LINKS Still-Life 1662 Jan Corneliszoon Verspronck, Dutch painter specialized in Portraits born in 1597. MORE ON VERSPRONCK AT ART 4 JUNE LINKS Girl in a Blue Dress (giant size) _ Girl in a Blue Dress _ Girl in a Blue Dress Portrait of a Bride Portrait of a Woman Portrait of a Man and Portrait of a Woman Anna von Schoonhoven 1660 William Oughtred, mathematician. 1649 Simon Vouet, French painter born on 09 January 1590. MORE ON VOUET AT ART 4 JUNE LINKS The Holy Family with the Infant John the Baptist The Last Supper St. Jerome and the Angel
Births which occurred on
a 30 June:
1945 (1946?) Sean Scully, (British?) US Abstract painter. MORE
Durango A
Happy Land 48
prints at FAMSF 1940 US Fish and Wildlife Service is established.
1909 Juan Bosch poet / pres of the Dominican Republic (1962-63) 1900 Vranceanu, mathematician. 1898 Jul 30 Henry Moore, English Abstract sculptor who died on 31 August 1986 LINKS not to be confused with painter Henry Moore [1831-1895] 1891 Sir Stanley Spencer, British artist who died on 14 December 1959. LINKS 1880 Fueter, mathematician. 1853 Robert Ponsonby Staples, British artist who died in 1943. 1848 Netto, mathematician. 1824 Willem Anthonie van Deventer, Dutch artist who died in 1893. 1819 William A Wheeler (R) 19th VP of US (1877-81) 1799 François-Auguste-André Biard, French artist who died on 20 June 1882. 1791 Savart, mathematician. 1789 Émile Jean Horace Vernet, French painter, specialized in Orientalism, who died on 17 January 1863. LINKS 23 lithographs at FAMSF The Arab Tale-teller The Lion Hunt Napoleonic Battle in the Alps The Battle of Habra, Algeria in December 1835 Between Emir Abd El Kadar and the Duke of Orleans Judith and Holofernes Raphael and Pope Leo X 1728 Nicolas-Guy Brenet, French painter who died on 22 February 1792. LINKS 1685 John Gay author. GAY ONLINE: The Beggar's Opera The Beggar's Opera The Beggar's Opera 1470 Charles VIII king of France (1483-98), invaded Italy. |