4 2DAY
|Jun 08
Events, deaths, births, of JUN 07 [For events of Jun 07 Julian go to Gregorian date: 1583~1699 Jun 17 1700s Jun 18 1800s Jun 19 1900~2099 Jun 20] >>> Para los enlaces de Enciclonet, utilice el nick anonymous y la clave de acceso guest <<< |
On a June 07: 2002 The stock of Tyco International (TYC) falls to a six year low $9.45 intraday from its previous close of $14.66 and closes at $10.10. 04 June details on earlier drop and causes. 2002 Leges Danorum de immigratione: Parlamentum Danorum leges pertulit, quibus immigratio coerceretur. Numerus peregrinorum in Daniam venientium temperabitur et condiciones, quibus asylum petentibus venia commorandi conceditur, fient difficiliores. Licentia perpetuo in Dania manendi peregrino non dabitur, antequam septem annos ibi habitaverit. Antea haec licentia post triennium data est. Neque peregrinus plenam cautionem socialem nisi septennio in Dania transacto habere poterit. Ius familiam coniungendi tantum homines minime viginti quattuor annorum habebunt. Illud ius antea nullo modo circumscribebatur. Propositum est impedire, ne peregrini fictis matrimoniis concives suos nomine familiarium in Daniam inducant. 2001 Parliamentary elections in the UK. Labour wins, so Tony Blair continues as Prime Minister. 2001 NetZero and Juno Online Services, the two biggest providers of free Internet access in the US, announce that they will merge towards the end of 2001, as United Online, with. 7 million subscribers, second behind America Online, which has 29 million subscribers, and ahead of Microsoft's MSN with its 5 million subscribers.
1996 Burma's military rulers pass a new law effectively muzzling
Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party 1996 The Clinton White House acknowledged it had obtained the FBI files of House Speaker Newt Gingrich's press secretary, former Bush chief of staff James A. Baker III and other appointees from Republican administrations, calling it "an innocent bureaucratic mistake." 1995 Comienza en Belfast la Conferencia Internacional de Paz y Reconciliación del Ulster.
1990 the Warsaw Pact formally abandoned its role as guardian of Kremlin power in eastern Europe and committed itself to radical democratic change. El Pacto de Varsovia da los primeros pasos hacia su disolución de hecho, al aceptar la transformación de su carácter, funciones y actividades, según acuerdan los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los siete países miembros en Moscú. 1988 Bangladesh, the world's third largest Muslim nation, made Islam its state religion as riot police went on alert to prevent protests against the law. . 1982 President Reagan meets Pope John Paul II and Queen Elizabeth 1981 Israeli military planes destroy a nuclear power plant in Iraq, a facility whose plutonium, the Israelis charge, could have been used to make nuclear weapons. 1981, Israeli planes attacked and destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor near Baghdad, Iraq 1981, Israeli military planes destroyed a nuclear power plant in Iraq, a facility the Israelis charged could have been used to make nuclear weapons.
1968 Sirhan Sirhan is indicted for Bobby Kennedy assassination
1967 Israel captures Wailing Wall in East Jerusalem
1953 first color network telecast in compatible color, Boston, Mass 1948 the Communists complete their takeover of Czechoslovakia with the resignation of President Eduard Benes. 1948, the Communists completed their takeover of Czechoslovakia with the resignation of President Eduard Benes. 1948, President Edvard Benes of Czechoslovakia resigned, rather than sign a new constitution which legalized the country as a communist state
1947 Las Cortes españolas aprueban por unanimidad la Ley de Sucesión
en la Jefatura del Estado, con la que España quedaba configurada como
una monarquía
católica y Franco
se presentaba como un regente vitalicio con facultad para designar al
sucesor a la Corona. 1944 Segunda Guerra Mundial. El rey Leopoldo III de Bélgica es hecho prisionero por los alemanes.
1929 The sovereign state of Vatican City comes into existence
as copies of the Lateran Treaty are exchanged in Rome. The Papal States
had ceased to exist in 1870. 1929 El Plan Young, sobre pago de indemnizaciones de guerra por parte de Alemania a los aliados, suscita grandes protestas entre los cascos de acero y los nacionalsocialistas alemanes. 1924 George Leigh-Mallory disappears 775' from Everest's summit 1921 Francia ratifica los tratados de Trianon y Saint Germain. 1912 St Pius X encyclical "On the Indians of South America" 1906 Dimite el Gobierno de España. El Rey renueva su confianza en Segismundo Moret. 1905 Norway dissolves union with Sweden (in effect since 1814) El Parlamento del hasta entonces Reino Unido de Suecia y Noruega vota la separación en dos países. 1898 Social Democracy of America party holds first national convention. 1896 G Harpo and F Samuelson leave NY to row the Atlantic (takes 54 days) 1887 Monotype type-casting machine patented by Tolbert Lanston, Wash DC
1864 Abe Lincoln renominated for President by Republican Party's convention in Baltimore. 1863 Battle of Milliken's Bend, Louisiana 1863 Siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana continues 1863 Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi continues 1863 Mexico City captured by French troops 1839 Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed 1795 (19 prairial an III) BLONDY Pierre André Thomas, compagnon serrurier, domicilié à Paris, est condamné à une année de déportation par la conseil militaire, comme convaincu d'avoir voulu forcer le tambour à battre la générale, et d'être entré dans le sein de la Convention dans la révolte des 3 et 4 prairial. 1795 (19 prairial an III) GUYOT Claude Françoise Humbert,omiciliée à Paris est condamnée à la déportation par le conseil militaire séant à Paris, comme convaincue d'avoir approuvé l'assassinat du Représentant Ferraut, d'avoir dit que tous les députés étaient des gueux, par ces faits avoir pris part à la révolte qui a éclaté le 2 et 3 prairial an 3. 1795 (19 prairial an III) GUYOT Lemmé Etienne, cordonnier, domicilié à Paris est condamné à la déportation par le conseil militaire séant à Paris, comme convaincu d'avoir excité des troubles à la porte des boulangers, et d'avoir terrasse des feuillants après l'assassinat du Représentant Ferraut, "l'on a bien fait de les mettre à la raison, ce sont des gueux" . 1793 DUBOIS Adrien, domicilié à Vertuzey, département de la Meuse, est condamné à la déportation par le tribunal criminel dudit département. 1776 Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the Continental Congress a resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence. 1775 United Colonies change name to United States 1769 frontiersman Daniel Boone first sees the forests and woodlands of present-day Kentucky. The Kentucky Historical Society celebrates June 7 as "Boone Day." Read The Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boon, Formerly A Hunter online. 1769, frontiersman Daniel Boone first began to explore the present-day Bluegrass State. 1654 Louis XIV is crowned King of France in Rheims. Sacre de Louis XIV à Reims. 1640 Se produce en Barcelona un levantamiento popular, protagonizado por los aldeanos o segadors, conocido como Corpus de Sangre, contra el virrey de Cataluña y ministro de Felipe IV, Conde de Santa Coloma (Dalmacio de Queralt). 1614 2nd parliment of King James I, disolves passing no legislation 1494 España y Portugal firman el Tratado de Tordesillas, acuerdo por el que se establecían las zonas de jurisdicción de ambos reinos en el Atlántico, a 370 leguas al oeste de las Azores. Fue ratificado por los Reyes Católicos el 02 julio y por Juan II de Portugal el 05 septiembre de 1494. 1099 The armies of the First Crusade (1096-99) reach the walls of Jerusalem. |
![]() 2002 Ediborah Yap, Martin Burnham, 42, and four Abu Sayyaf bandits who were holding them hostage, in a rescue attack by hundreds of Filipino elite soldiers, near Siraway, Zamboanga del Norte, southern Philippines. Among the wounded is Gracia Burnham (born 17 Jan 1959), Martin's wife, with a gunshot wound all the way through her right thigh. The Burnhams [04 Jan 2001 photo >], New Tribes Mission missionaries from Wichita, Kansas, in the Philippines for ten years, were kidnapped on 27 May 2001, at the Dos Palmas Island Resort at Honda Bay off the island of Palawan, where they were celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary. Yap, a Filipino nurse, was kidnapped days later when the Abu Sayyaf, with the Burnhams in tow, raided a hospital in the southern town of Lamitan to seize hospital staff and medicine to treat their wounded. The guerrillas kidnapped 18 other persons along with the Burnhams, including 17 Filipinos and Corona, California, resident Guillermo Sobero. Sobero was beheaded by the guerrillas in June 2001. Some of the other hostages were murdered too, but most were freed. By November 2001 only the Burnhams and Yap remained hostages. The Abu Sayyaf fighters are thought to number only 60 or so from an original force of 1000 after a year of army offensives. The group started out fighting to carve a Muslim state out of the southern Philippines, but it has degenerated into a kidnap-for-ransom business. 2002 Takayuki Niimi, 32, soon after being punched in the face several times and then, when he fell over, stabbed in the head with an umbrella by acquaintance Ryuji Sakamoto, 32, enraged by Niimi's long-time rudeness in failing to use an honorific suffix, such as san, when speaking to him, in Sakuragi, Japan. Both men were unemployed. 2002:: 67 persons on a bus crowded with Afghan families returning home after years in Pakistani refugee camps, which plunges into the Kabul River, near Sarobi, 25 km east of Kabul. ![]() 1999 Francisco Paco Stanley, 57, and Jorge Gil, gunned down on Mexico City's beltway. Stanley era un abogado formado en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), la principal del país, y tenía especialidades en sicología, mercadotecnia y publicidad Ex profesor de enseñánza secundaria, se inició en la locución radial en 1969 y durante la década de 1980 incursionó en la televisión para convertirse en uno de sus más populares animadores. emisión Gil era un periodista que aparecía con Stanley en la emisión "Una tras Otra". There would follow a protracted prosecution which would destroy the reputation of chief prosecutor Samuel del Villar and end on 25 January 2001 with the acquittals of Stanley's on-screen sidekick, Mario Rodriguez Bezares, and an aspiring actress on his program, Paola Durante. Both had been charged with setting up Stanley for the streetside killing. Also acquitted would be alleged drug lord Luis Amezcua, to whom prosecutors claimed the slain comedian had owed money for drug buys.
1980 Henry Valentine Miller, escritor estadounidense. 1980 Philip Guston, Canadian US Abstract Expressionist painter born in 1913. Philip Guston, pintor estadounidense. MORE ON GUSTON AT ART 4 JUNE LINKS — To B.W.T. — Zone — The Clock — City Limits — Outskirts — The Studio — A Day's Work — Painting, Smoking, Eating — Head — Deluge II — Ancient Wall — Green Rug — The Pit — Room — Curtain — Sleeping — Entrance — Talking 1970 Manuel Gómez-Moreno, historiador y arqueólogo español. 1968 José Pardines Azcay, guardia civil, en el el primer asesinato de ETA, en Villabona (Guipuzcoa). 1967 Dorothy Parker, author-critic famed for her caustic wit, in New York. 1966 Jean Arp, French Dadaist~Surrealist sculptor born on 16 September 1887. Jean Arp, pintor y escultor alsaciano. LINKS 1962 Claude Piegts, vendeur, né 1934, et sergent Albert Dovecar, né 1937, fusillés pour participation à l'Organisation de l'Armée Secrète.
1912 Albert Welti, Swiss painter and engraver born on 18 February 1862 in Zurich, Switzerland. The House of Dreams 1909 Fritz Overbeck, German artist born on 15 September 1869 1907 Routh, mathematician.
1847 Göpel, mathematician. 1843 Georges Michel, French painter born on 12 January 1763. LINKS
1631 Mumtax Mahal wife of Shah Jahan of India, her tomb (Taj Mahal) 1329 Robert Bruce, 53, leader of the Scots. 0555 Vigilius, Pope |
Births which occurred on
a June 07:
1917 Gwendolyn Brooks US poet (The Bean Eaters) 1909 Congressman Peter Rodino (D-NJ); chaired Watergate hearings 1899 Elizabeth Bowen Dublin, novelist (The Death of the Heart) 1896 Robert Mulliken US, chemist/physicist (Nobel 1966) 1889 Rodolphe-Théophile Bosshard, Swiss artist who died in 1960. 1869 Samuel John Lamorna Birch, British artist who died on 07 January 1955. 1868 Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Scottish Art Nouveau designer who died on 10 December 1928. MORE ON MACKINTOSH AT ART 4 JUNE LINKS The Harvest Moon The Scottish Musical Review In Fairyland Fairies The Wassail Part Seen, Part Imagined The Descent of Night 1863 Van Vleck, mathematician 1860 Malaseka, The Indian Wife of the White Hunter, by Mrs Ann Stevens, becomes the first US "dime novel" published. 1848 Eugène-Henri-Paul Gauguin, one of the leading French painters of the Post-Impressionist period, whose development of a conceptual method of representation was a decisive step for 20th-century art. Gauguin died on 08 May 1903 in Atuona, Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia.. Paul Gauguin, pintor realista francés. MORE ON GAUGUIN AT ART 4 JUNE LINKS L'univers est créé (25x35cm) a different L'univers est créé (20x36cm) Tahitiennes Sur la Plage Déjeûner de Bananes Femme au Fruit Fête des Dieux D'où venonsnous? No te aha oe riri? Manao Tupapau Ia Orana Maria Le Cheval Blanc Riders on the Beach — Self~Portrait With Idol Self~Portrait With Halo Self~Portrait With Palette Self~Portrait With Hat Self~Portrait 1898 Self~Portrait With Yellow Christ 32 prints at FAMSF 1819 Edwin Hayes, Irish painter who died on 07 November 1904. Sunset at Sea: From Harlyn Bay, Cornwall 1778 George Bryan "Beau" Brummel London England, English dandy 1770 Earl of Liverpool (C) British PM (1812-27) 1502 Pope Gregory XIII, he introduced Gregorian calendar in 1582 |